Kamis, 29 April 2010


Naskah Pidato Sambutan Perpisahan Kelulusan Sekolah

MESSAGE ADDRESS Parting school graduation

Dear Mr. Principal, Mr. and Mrs. Teacher, and friends that I love.

First of all let us praise gratitude to God Almighty for His mercy for all on this day we can come together to hold a farewell ceremony school.

The gentlemen who I respect, let me represent my friends to say a few words in the context of this separation.

During the study, we as students are very proud and grateful to all teachers who have taught at this school, which is very good, never favoritism in educating, very patient and tireless in guiding us. Thanks to all the hard work of teachers, we were able to graduate from junior high school.

I hope all teachers assigned to teach at this school can be given good health and happiness always given.

Also for all my friends. It feels hard to part with you all, because we've been together for three years. But still I also pray for my friends all can move on to higher education, both to high school, to CMS, the STM and other educational institutions in order to achieve the ideals that had been imagined.

Finally, I would say success is always made my friends, my prayers with all friends ...

Nama : Aldy Yoga F.
Kelas : 9-G
No.Absen : 02


Naskah Pidato Sambutan Perpisahan Kelulusan Sekolah

MESSAGE ADDRESS Parting school graduation

Dear Mr. Principal, Mr. and Mrs. Teacher, and friends that I love.

First of all let us praise gratitude to God Almighty for His mercy for all on this day we can come together to hold a farewell ceremony school.

The gentlemen who I respect, let me represent my friends to say a few words in the context of this separation.

During the study, we as students are very proud and grateful to all teachers who have taught at this school, which is very good, never favoritism in educating, very patient and tireless in guiding us. Thanks to all the hard work of teachers, we were able to graduate from junior high school.

I hope all teachers assigned to teach at this school can be given good health and happiness always given.

Also for all my friends. It feels hard to part with you all, because we've been together for three years. But still I also pray for my friends all can move on to higher education, both to high school, to CMS, the STM and other educational institutions in order to achieve the ideals that had been imagined.

Finally, I would say success is always made my friends, my prayers with all friends ...

Nama : Aldy Yoga F.
Kelas : 9-G
No.Absen : 02


Naskah Pidato Pengaruh Internet terhadap Remaja

Assalamualaikum WR WB, father / mother and their teacher colleagues who I respect, first of all let us praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God who gave grace and hidayahnya to all of us so that we can gather in this place, I extend many thanks for the opportunity given to me to deliver a speech titled "The Influence of Internet on Teenagers."

Before I began my speech I would like to convey my problem definition that will convey in a speech today, which include; influence of the internet on the teenagers in terms of positive and negative terms.

Internet, word is no stranger to the ear of each person, especially the teenagers who always hang out with the tech world of luxury, luxurious, and practical, the Internet can be found wherever we are, with capitalize mobile phone that has Internet connection, the internet can be accessed with ease through HP wherever we are, or if not, in every corner of the city must have an Internet service that sells Warung or commonly called the "Internet Cafe", Information World Without Borders, that's how people call it, I am not so sure but what is virtually such circumstances, the existence of the Internet, access or street towards the delivery of information-information that exist in this world can be taken easily as he turned his hand or blink.

A lot of science is so abundant there, information about anything can be found at this internet universe, then what to do with students? Of course, very closely related to the student because the student whose name does not escape with the information and science, the internet is the most effective media and easy to come by and accessible by anyone anywhere, although can not be denied that because of this freedom can occur also abusers use of Internet facilities as a means of Criminality or obscene, students new to the Internet typically uses this facility to search for weird things? As the pictures are not obscene, or weird videos that are "immoral" which can affect the soul and personality of the students themselves, so that the students affected, and disrupt his concentration on the learning process at school.

However, not all students do so, only a handful of students who are curious just who can do it because it lacked a sense of responsibility towards self and surroundings, but in general the Internet is used by each student to seek or obtain information relating to the subject matter which he received in school, it allows students to become more creative and more active in seeking other sources of information and science compared with students who just sat quietly in front of the table and listen to the teacher talk.

This can be a motivator for students to continue to grow and also acts as a shredder (youth), teenagers are creatures that are vulnerable to the changes around him, he will follow the most dominant thing that is nearby so the possibility of a drastic change in times adolescence will lead to where the teenager will run, positive or negative direction depending on where in the start.

Teenagers who daily interact with the Internet will be more responsive to changes in the surrounding information because he was accustomed to and more aware of such information so that he more than others. But in addition, adolescents who have a negative tendency in the opposite case, he will appear passive because only enslaved by the ease and wealth of information from the internet.

Therefore it would be nice if we can wisely use this facility with the best in terms of positive progress for the sake of ourselves and our personal, and as teenagers we all should be able to master the technology that was running hard in this era, because then we 'll come running to welcome the future.

I say thank you for your attention, akhirul said, wassalamualaikum WR WB.

Nama : Aldy Yoga F.
Kelas : 9-G
No.Absen : 02